
Program Missions and Core Values

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  • Master of Construction Management Mission

    The mission of the program is to broaden educational and career options for our graduates and to provide an integrative, flexible, and state of the art curriculum that prepares students with the knowledge, discipline and the marketable skills to become future leaders of design and construction related organizations worldwide. Students are encouraged, as future industry leaders of the industry, to address the critical social, economic, and environmental challenges facing the construction industry and to make meaningful contributions in the shaping of the built environment.

  • Executive Master of Construction Management Mission

    The mission of Executive Master of Construction Management is to provide experienced construction professionals with a highly specialized practical curriculum embodied with real-world experience and taught by industry leaders to augment their practical knowledge of the industry and assist in advancing their careers into leadership positions at their organizations.

  • Construction Management Vision

    The program is committed to being a leader in the advancement and dissemination of design and construction management knowledge globally. As educators of the men and women who will facilitate, lead and implement the processes of constructing the built environment. We encourage our students, future industry leaders, to address the critical social, economic, and environmental challenges facing the construction industry and to make meaningful contributions in the shaping of the built environment.

  • Construction Management Core Values

    We believe in the value of knowledge as gained by experience and exposure to real-world problems. We also value the importance of developing skills in management, leadership, critical thinking, engagement, social responsibility and collaboration in the construction industry. We believe that these skills are crucial to the delivery of the built environment that exceeds the standards for time, money, and performance.

    We value collaboration and partnerships with industry stakeholders to explore solutions that improve efficiencies in the industry and promote cutting edge practices and technologies and enhance student engagement and achievement in academics and extra-curricular activities.

    We believe that learning does not stop at graduation. The lifelong learning initiatives are key to continued growth, debate and overall success of the industry.
